IP Protection of Biological Inventions

The workshop, organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel on November 10, 2016 in Basel, will be of particular interest to academics and practitioners involved in IP matters that focus on biological inventions. The topics discussed will range from obtaining patents on biological material to legal aspects of deposits under the Budapest Treaty and equivalent national law provisions to the scope of protection for patents on biological inventions.

The detailed program is available here (updated Oct 18, 2016).  

We would also like to draw your attention to the international conference organized by the FORUM Institut: “Access and Benefit Sharing” that will be held in Basel on November 8 and 9, 2016, just before our workshop. It will cover the most topical issues in access to genetic resources and benefit sharing. Case studies and expert panels will enable you to find solutions for implementing the Nagoya Protocol. The meeting will bring together representatives from all fields of practice. For more information please click here.
Please note that participants of the FORUM Institut conference will receive a discount for the registration with the FORUM Institut in the amount corresponding to the cost of the registration fee of the “IP-Protection of Biological Inventions” workshop. A special registration form for the FORUM Conference is available here.

Herewith I register for the Conference on IP Protection of Biological Inventions (alternative registration form) and transmit the registration fee to the indicated bank account:

    Last name (mandatory):

    First name (mandatory):



    ZIP code / town:


    E-Mail (mandatory):

    I am (mandatory): VIPS memberNon-memberStudent (university or CEIPI)

    I need an invoice: Yes (invoice address is the same as indicated above)

    My dietary needs (mandatory): vegetariannon-vegetarian


    Your message:

    When the transmission of your registration data was successful, you will see a message, surrounded by a green frame, and receive a confirmation email with the data transmitted.

    Transfer of the registration fee:

    Please transfer the registration fee of CHF 320.- (non-member), CHF 290.- (VIPS member) or CHF 120.- (student) by October 28, 2016 (October 25, 2016, in case you register for FORUM as well) to the following account of the Verband der Industriepatentanwälte in der Schweiz with the reference „IP Protection of biological inventions“. Participants having no evidence of payment may be rejected.

    Account details:

    Bank name: PostFinance
    Bank address: Engehaldenstrasse 37, 3030 Bern
    Account number: 40-25879-3
    Account holder: Verband der Industriepatentanwälte in der Schweiz
      c/o Hoffmann-La Roche AG, CLT, 654/714, 4070 Basel
    IBAN No. electronic: CH2809000000400258793
    IBAN Nr. paper: IBAN CH28 0900 0000 4002 5879 3
    SWIFT Code / BIC PostFinance: POFICHBE
    Clearing No. Postfinance: 09000